King County Displacement Trends (2010-2020)

An examination of displacement trends and risk in the greater King County area.

Project developed in conjunction with the University of Washington and Puget Sound Sage.


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The Map

Race Population Distribution of Census Blocks (2010 and 2020)

Left: Displacement Trends in 2010
Right: Displacement Trends in 2020

King County Population

Hover over a block

About Us + What We Examined

We are students from the Department of Geography at the University of Washington.

This project aims at studying displacement over the years, 2010 to 2020.

The data is presented at the Block level, in order to measure gentrification occuring in sub-areas, over city level statistics.

Our findings demonstrate areas within King County that may be areas of interest for anti-displacement organizations.

References and Thanks

Webmap developed with the use of: Mapbox GL Js, QGIS and HTML5 Templates

Python: Data processing and cleaning

GitHub: Store deliverables


QGIS: GeoJSONs data map format and conversion